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Wide Flange Beam
(279) Infra-Metals stocks WF Beams from W4 x 13 to W44 x 335 in. in various lengths up to 70 ft to help our customers minimize scrap. /Asset/w1.JPGSquare and Rectangle Tube
(448) Infra-Metals stocks tubing from 1/2 x 1/2 in square to 34 x 10 in rectangle in various lengths up to 60 ft to help our customers minimize scrap. Select sizes available galvanized. /Asset/w2.JPGPipe and Round Tube
(286) Infra-Metals stocks pipe from 1/2 in Schedule 40 to 20 in XH, and round tube from 1 1/2 in to 10 in OD from 21 ft to 60 ft in various lengths to help our customers minimize scrap. Select sizes available galvanized. /Asset/w3.JPGAngle
(142) Infra-Metals stocks angles from L1/2 in x 1/2 in x 1/8 in up to L10 in x 10 in x 3/4 in. in 20 ft and 40 ft lengths. 8 in Angles are stocked up to 60 ft lengths in 10 ft increments. /Asset/w21.JPGFlat Bar
(321) Infra-Metals stocks Flats from FL 1/8 in x 1/2 in up to FL 2 in x 8 in. in 20 ft lengths. Many sizes also available in 40 ft lengths. Select sizes available galvanized. /Asset/w4.JPG
Round Bar and Rebar
(87) Infra-Metals stocks rounds from 1/4 in to 2 1/2 in and rebar from #3 to #8 in 20 ft lengths. Many rounds also available in 40 ft lengths. /Asset/bar-gratings.jpgSquare
(15) Infra-Metals stocks squares from 3/8 to 2 1/2 in and bar channels from BC 1 x 1/2 x 1/8 in to BC2 x 1 x 3/16 in. /Asset/w7.JPG